People Have Given To
People with positions in Dean Foods have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
Orrin Hatch | $3,350 | Gregg L Engles, Howard M Dean |
Republican Party of Texas | $3,250 | Jim L Turner, Pete Schenkel |
Dallas County Democratic Party | $3,250 | Ronald Kirk |
Dick Armey | $3,000 | Pete Schenkel |
Bill Weld | $3,000 | Alan J Bernon |
Van Taylor | $3,000 | Gregg L Engles |
Peter Roskam | $3,000 | Howard M Dean |
Nabisco Inc Political Action Committee | $3,000 | Doreen A Wright |
Gerald C Weller | $3,000 | Howard M Dean |
Aníbal Acevedo Vilá | $2,800 | Hector M Nevares |
Preston M Geren III | $2,750 | Jim L Turner, Thomas C Davis |
Cory Gardner | $2,600 | Gregg L Engles |
Gardner Majority Fund | $2,600 | Gregg L Engles |
Prairie Political Action Committee | $2,500 | Lewis M Collens |
Denny Rehberg | $2,500 | Gregg L Engles |
Tim Pawlenty | $2,500 | Gregg L Engles |
Roy Blunt | $2,400 | Alan J Bernon |
Rudy Giuliani | $2,300 | Howard M Dean |
Tom Harkin | $2,300 | Gregg L Engles |
Peter G Olson | $2,300 | Gregg L Engles |