People Have Given To
People with positions in Northrop Grumman Corporation have made donations to
Mark Warner $23,500 Ronald D. Sugar, David P Abney, Wesley G Bush, Jerry B Agee, Kevin F Kelly, Robert Helm, James Meltsner, John J Mazach, Brett B Lambert, Kathy J Warden, Christopher T Jones
Bankamerica Corporation Political Action Committee (Bacpac)/Fka-Bankamerica Election Fund $23,000 Richard M Rosenberg
Howard P McKeon $22,600 Wesley G Bush, James F Palmer, Lesley Kalan, Robert Helm, Richard M Rosenberg, Taylor W Lawrence, Kathy J Warden
Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland $22,500 Kevin F Kelly
Rosa DeLauro $22,150 Victor H Fazio, Kevin F Kelly
Carly Fiorina $20,800 Kevin W Sharer, Richard M Rosenberg
Restore Our Future PAC $20,000 Kevin W Sharer
Barbara Ann Mikulski $19,210 Ronald D. Sugar, Wesley G Bush, Jerry B Agee, Kevin F Kelly, James Meltsner, Stephen G Winchell
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen $19,200 Phillip Frost, Richard M Rosenberg
O'Say Can You See PAC $18,795 Kevin F Kelly
George W Bush $18,500 Thomas M Schoewe, Kevin W Sharer, Charles H Noski, Karl J Krapek, Stephen E Frank, John T Chain Jr, Bruce S Gordon, William H Hernandez, Scooter Libby, Neel Kashkari, Richard M Rosenberg
Mary Landrieu $18,250 Ronald D. Sugar, Victor H Fazio, Kevin F Kelly, Robert Helm, Diane Harper, James Meltsner, Stephen Sutton, Richard M Rosenberg
Steny Hoyer $18,050 Victor H Fazio, Kevin F Kelly, Robert Helm, Stephen G Winchell, Richard M Rosenberg, James L Cameron, Wes Bush
William McClellan Thornberry $17,900 Wesley G Bush, Kevin F Kelly, Kathy J Warden, Christopher T Jones
Connecticut Republican Scc $16,500 Karl J Krapek
Adam Smith $16,300 Victor H Fazio, Wesley G Bush, James F Palmer, Lesley Kalan, Kathy J Warden, Christopher T Jones
Daniel Ken Inouye $15,200 Ronald D. Sugar, Thomas B Fargo, Wesley G Bush, James F Palmer, Kevin F Kelly, Robert Helm, Richard M Rosenberg
DNC-Nonfederal-Corporate $15,000 Philip A Odeen
Straight Talk America $15,000 Kevin W Sharer, Lewis W Coleman
Charlie Dent $14,750 Kevin F Kelly