Public Representative of CA State Teachers Retirement System
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Roger Kozberg also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Stanley Tate Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Bill Jones, George H W Bush, Rudy Boschwitz
David Packard John McCain, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, John F Seymour, Rudy Boschwitz
Billi Marcus Susan Collins, Carl Levin, John McCain, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Tom Campbell, Bill Weld, Rudy Boschwitz
Donald M Koll Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, John F Seymour
Jay Arthur Pritzker Carl Levin, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, Rudy Boschwitz
James R Ukropina John McCain, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Tom Campbell, Bill Weld, John F Seymour
Edyth Bailey Lindner Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, George W Bush, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, Rudy Boschwitz
Mark Emmerson Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Bill Jones, Tom Campbell
James R Houghton Susan Collins, John McCain, Steven T Kuykendall, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush, Bill Weld
Deborah Steelman Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Bob Dole, George W Bush, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, John F Seymour
Ernest Gallo Carl Levin, John McCain, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush, John F Seymour
Charles J Wyly Jr John McCain, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, John F Seymour, Rudy Boschwitz
Kenneth T Derr John McCain, James E Rogan, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Bill Jones, George H W Bush, John F Seymour
A Alfred Taubman Carl Levin, John McCain, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, George H W Bush, Bill Weld, Rudy Boschwitz
Louis Bacon Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Tom Campbell, Bill Weld, John F Seymour
Shawn Smeallie Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Steven T Kuykendall, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Rudy Boschwitz
Robert Smittcamp John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, James E Rogan, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Bill Jones, Susan Golding, Tom Campbell
Gretchen C Leach Susan Collins, John McCain, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush
Richard H Kimberly Susan Collins, John McCain, Gordon Harold Smith, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Tom Campbell, George H W Bush, Rudy Boschwitz
Robert Arnott Susan Collins, John McCain, Steven T Kuykendall, James E Rogan, George W Bush, Matthew K Fong, Bill Jones, Tom Campbell
Roger Kozberg
Updated over 7 years ago

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