Lawyer, author and political historian; former staff member in Nixon White House
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Geoffrey C. Shepard also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Edward A Lozick Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Patrick Tiberi, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
John M Templeton Jr Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Wayne Curtis Weldon, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese
Donald C Alexander Dennis Hastert, Philip Sheridan English, Chuck Grassley, Walter William Herger, Kenny Hulshof, James O McCrery III, Charles Rangel, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Patrick Tiberi, John D Hayworth Jr, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld
Kirsten Chadwick Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, Walter William Herger, Kenny Hulshof, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Thomas M Reynolds, Paul Ryan, Patrick Tiberi, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Bryce L Harlow Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, Philip Sheridan English, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Fred Dalton Thompson, Bill Archer, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Larry A Mizel Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Romney Victory
James E Smith Dennis Hastert, Bob Corker, Philip Sheridan English, Chuck Grassley, Kenny Hulshof, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Charles Rangel, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee
Joseph Petrone Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld
S Craig Lindner Dennis Hastert, Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Patrick Tiberi, Mark Kennedy, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese, Romney Victory
Stanley Tate Dennis Hastert, Sam Brownback, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney
Harvey M Meyerhoff Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld
Eric M Javits Dennis Hastert, Thomas Allen Coburn, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tom Smith
Nicholas DeBenedictis Thomas Allen Coburn, Philip Sheridan English, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Wayne Curtis Weldon, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Wendell Craig Williams, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Tom Smith, Romney Victory
Kenneth S Abramowitz Dennis Hastert, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert A Ortenzio Dennis Hastert, Bob Corker, Philip Sheridan English, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Charles Rangel, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Patrick Tiberi, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, William M Thomas, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Russell L Carson Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, Mitch McConnell, Charles Rangel, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, John D Hayworth Jr, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, John Reeves Raese
Stephen Schwarzman Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Charles Rangel, Thomas M Reynolds, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Patrick Tiberi, Conrad Burns, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld
Jane L Bainum Sam Brownback, Thomas Allen Coburn, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Conrad Burns, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Michael Steele, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert E Glennon Bob Corker, Philip Sheridan English, Chuck Grassley, Walter William Herger, Kenny Hulshof, James O McCrery III, Charles Rangel, Thomas M Reynolds, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, John D Hayworth Jr, Mark Kennedy, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Walter Clifford Minnick, Mitt Romney, Wes Watkins
Henry Kravis Dennis Hastert, Bob Corker, Chuck Grassley, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Arlen Specter, Patrick Tiberi, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Romney Victory