Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Theresa Nimick also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
James E Rohr Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, John McCarty
David M Roderick Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
Rhodora Donahue Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
Milton Fine Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, John McCarty
David S Shapira Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
William R Sasso Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
James M Walton Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, John McCarty, Richard L Thornburgh
J Brett Harvey Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
David Porges Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
George G Daniels Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
Jim Click Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
Markos I Tambakeras Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
James S Broadhurst Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
Peter Grollman Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
James A Patterson Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
David Urban Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
Terry Haines Tim Murphy, Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush
Barbara Hackman Franklin Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
Robert R Buckley Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
William A Schreyer Arlen Specter, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, Richard L Thornburgh
Theresa Nimick
Updated over 5 years ago

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Types Person, Academic