McGraw Hill Financial, Inc.
Linda Koch Lorimer, David Coleman
US Department of State
Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen J Hadley
The New York Times
Mark Oppenheimer, Brad Wilcox
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
Alison Richard, Othniel Charles Marsh
Oxford University
David Coleman, Andrew Hamilton
Mideast Dig
Tom Gross, Lawrence J. Haas
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Susan Hockfield, Richard H Brodhead
American Enterprise Institute
Paul Wolfowitz, Eric A Hanushek
Yale Law School
Paul Bloom, Marian R Chertow
Schwarzman Scholars
Richard C Levin, Richard H Brodhead
Northwestern University
Jennifer Richeson, Dean Karlan
The Wilson Center
Lawrence Joseph Denardis, Robin Wright
University of Southern California
Robin Wright, Hayward Alker
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Alison Richard, Axel Brunger
Goldman Sachs
David B Singer, Willem Buiter
General Electric Company
Douglas A Warner III, Susan Hockfield
US Department of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen J Hadley
Council of Economic Advisers
William D Nordhaus, Eric A Hanushek
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
Douglas A Warner III, Indra Nooyi
Harvard Kennedy School
Dmitri Mehlhorn, Eric A Hanushek