Business Positions
Abt Associates
global research firm
Board Memberships
National Council on Teacher Quality
Education reform research organization founded by the Thomas B Fordham Foundation
GreatSchools Inc.
Non-Profit Pushing School Reviews / Ratings
Hoover Institution
Conservative think tank at Stanford
Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University
Incubator for Scientific Research to Advance Education Privatization
American Enterprise Institute
Largest neoconservative think tank
IZA Institute of Labor Economics
Largest Research Network in Economic Science, Bonn Germany
In-School SAT/ACT Test Prep
Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER)
Collaboration of AIR and Duke
Commission for a College Ready Texas
27-Member Panel Appointed by Governor in 2007 to Set Standards
Government Positions
Council of Economic Advisers
Agency Within Executive Office of the President Advising on Economics Domestic and International
Congressional Budget Office Panel of Economic Advisers
CBO advisory panel
United States Air Force
One of the military departments within the Department of Defense
Miscellaneous Relationships
Paul Peterson
Professor of Government, Harvard Kennedy School