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Growth Model Pilot Program NCLB
Study Done by NORC for US DOE Building "Growth" Into AYP
Chair, Peer Review ('06→?)*
CESIFO (Center for Economic Studies)
European Economic Research Group Based in Munich Germany
Area Coordinator, Economics of Education ('06→?)*
Governor's Commission on Education Excellence, California
Pro-Reform Gates/Broad Funded Report 2005
Member ('05→'08)*
National Board for Education Sciences
Advises Institute for Education Science, Appointed by President
Board, Board Chair ('04→'10)*
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Economic policy research organization
Professor of Economics ('04→?)
Stanford Center for International Development
Program of the Stanford Economics Department
Senior Fellow ('03→?)
University of Texas at Dallas
Senior Research Fellow Economics ('00→?)
National Academy of Sciences
Congressional charter scientific organization since 1863
Member ('00→'01)*
Koret Task Force on K-12 Education
Free Market Think Tank, Hoover Institute Stanford University
Member ('99→'15)*
National Bureau of Economic Research
Largest economics research organization in the US
Research Associate ('95→?)*