Information technology executive
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Edward H Bersoff also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Alfred R Berkeley III Tom Davis, Barack Obama, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, John W Warner
Frank J Reidy Eric Cantor, James P Moran, George Allen, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Forward Together PAC, Gerry Connolly, Mark Warner
Terry Paul Tom Davis, James P Moran, George Allen, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Gerry Connolly, Mark Warner
Steve Case Eric Cantor, Tom Davis, George Allen, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, Don Beyer
Kaylene Green Tom Davis, James P Moran, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Constance A Morella, Charles Spittal Robb, William S Cohen, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mark Warner, Henry N Butler
Jerris Leonard Tom Davis, James P Moran, Barack Obama, George Allen, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, John W Warner
Paul C Jost Eric Cantor, Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, John W Warner
W Heywood Fralin Eric Cantor, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, John W Warner
Patricia Vradenburg James P Moran, Barack Obama, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Charles Spittal Robb, Forward Together PAC, Gerry Connolly, Mark Warner, Don Beyer, Obama Victory Fund 2012
John Dowd Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, John W Warner
Leon M Wagner Eric Cantor, Barack Obama, George Allen, Charles Spittal Robb, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Stuart Bernstein Eric Cantor, Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Constance A Morella, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Federal Victory Fund, John W Warner
Russell J Bruemmer Eric Cantor, Tom Davis, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, John Marshall Coleman, John W Warner
Vincent A Sheehy Eric Cantor, Barack Obama, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Constance A Morella, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Federal Victory Fund, Mark Warner, John W Warner
Richard Baxter Gilliam Eric Cantor, Tom Davis, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner
Bill Walton Eric Cantor, Barack Obama, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Federal Victory Fund, Mark Warner
Mark Dreyfus Eric Cantor, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, John W Warner
William M Diefenderfer III Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Federal Victory Fund
Paul D Koonce Eric Cantor, George Allen, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, Don Beyer
Donna S Morea Tom Davis, James P Moran, George W Bush, Forward Together PAC, Federal Victory Fund, Gerry Connolly, Mark Warner, Don Beyer