Retired Corporate Executive Vice President, Xerox
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Lynn R Blodgett also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Darwin Deason Ronald Kirk, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, Solutions America PAC, Mark Kennedy Shriver, Affiliated Computer Services Inc. Good Government Committee, Mitt Romney, Mia Love, Romney Victory
Donald Trump Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mark Kennedy Shriver, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Patricia Kessler Ronald Kirk, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Sheldon I Stein Ronald Kirk, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mark Kennedy Shriver, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Jeffrey Rich Ronald Kirk, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Affiliated Computer Services Inc. Good Government Committee
Michael A Feiner Ronald Kirk, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, Mark Kennedy Shriver, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Tom Hicks Ronald Kirk, Lamar Alexander, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Anthony Scaramucci Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mitt Romney
Stephen Schwarzman Lamar Alexander, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Mia Love
William K Reagan Christopher B Cannon, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Karl N Snow Jr, Mia Love, Romney Victory
Steven Roth Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mitt Romney
David S Mack Lamar Alexander, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Bruce B Dayton Ronald Kirk, Lamar Alexander, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, George W Bush, Mitt Romney
Robert B Catell Lamar Alexander, Barack Obama, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert E Murray Lamar Alexander, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert C Wright Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Peter S Kalikow Lamar Alexander, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
William P Lauder Patrick Joseph Kennedy, Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
George S Kaufman Barack Obama, Tom Daschle, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Solutions America PAC, Mitt Romney
Thomas G Cousins Lamar Alexander, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory