President of the Council on Foreign Relations; White House official under both Bushes
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Richard N Haass also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Howard H Leach John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
R Edward Ingle John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
William C Steere Jr John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Chris Henick John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Peter O'Donnell John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
C Boyden Gray John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Harvey M Meyerhoff John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Gretchen C Leach John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Laurance Rockefeller John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Woody Johnson John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Paul Singer John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Jack R. Anderson John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Carroll Petrie John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
George P Shultz John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Howard Wilkins John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Eric M Javits John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Stuart Bernstein John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
Brownlee O Currey John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
John C Whitehead John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush
H Wayne Huizenga John McCain, Bill Frist, Bob Dole, Pete Wilson, Rick Lazio, George W Bush