Louisiana Companies
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from George D Nelson Jr also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Boysie Bollinger John Bennett Johnston Jr, Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Bennett Johnston III, John Fleming, F Charles McMains Jr, Tim Griffin
Bill Goldring Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Paul J M R Carmouche, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Bennett Johnston III, John Fleming
Lacy H Williams John Bennett Johnston Jr, Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Jefferson Rowe Thompson, Mitt Romney, John Bennett Johnston III, John Fleming, Tim Griffin
Edward R Bo Campbell John Bennett Johnston Jr, Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, David Vitter, John Breaux, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Paul J M R Carmouche, Mitt Romney, Chris John, Chris D Gorman, John Fleming
Richard Lipsey John Bennett Johnston Jr, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Fleming, F Charles McMains Jr
Kevin Reilly Jr John Bennett Johnston Jr, Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Chris John, F Charles McMains Jr
Donna W Sternberg Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Paul J M R Carmouche, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Fleming
Bob Brooks Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bill Cassidy, Jefferson Rowe Thompson, Chris John, John Fleming, Tim Griffin
Lane Grigsby Rodney Alexander, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bill Cassidy, Jefferson Rowe Thompson, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Fleming, F Charles McMains Jr
Robert L Livingston Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, John Fleming, Tim Griffin
Ned Diefenthal Rodney Alexander, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, John Fleming
Daryl Owen John Bennett Johnston Jr, Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Chris John, John Bennett Johnston III
Diane G Franco Rodney Alexander, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, George W Bush, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Fleming
Jack Lawton, Jr James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, John Fleming, F Charles McMains Jr
Elton Beebe Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, Bill Clinton, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Paul J M R Carmouche, Mitt Romney, Chris John
Ray Oden Jr Rodney Alexander, James O McCrery III, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Chris D Gorman, John Fleming
J Allen Martin Rodney Alexander, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, John Fleming, Tim Griffin
Paul Cambon Rodney Alexander, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Chris John, John Fleming
Warren Stephens Steve Scalise, David Vitter, John Breaux, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Tim Griffin
Eddie Rispone Rodney Alexander, Steve Scalise, David Vitter, George W Bush, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney, Chris John, F Charles McMains Jr