Public-private partnership
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Partnership for Public Service also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Brookings Institute Kenneth M Duberstein, Hugh B Price, Stuart Eizenstat, Steven A Denning, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Mario M Morino, John C Whitehead
Council on Foreign Relations Kenneth M Duberstein, Robert Rubin, Christine Todd Whitman, Steven A Denning, George John Mitchell, Peter Orszag, Thad W Allen, Tom Foley
Committee for Economic Development Kenneth M Duberstein, Roy J Bostock, Stuart Eizenstat, John Sexton, Beth Brooke, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, Lloyd Howell Jr
Atlantic Council Charles O Rossotti, Stuart Eizenstat, Philip A Odeen, Larry Summers, Sean O'Keefe, James Addison Baker III, John C Whitehead
White House Office Erskine B Bowles, Kenneth M Duberstein, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Joel Klein
America Abroad Media Norman R Augustine, Kenneth M Duberstein, David Gergen, Judy Woodruff, John C Whitehead
The Hamilton Project Robert Rubin, Harold Ford Jr, Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Nancy Killefer
Harvard Kennedy School Sheila P Burke, Stuart Eizenstat, David Gergen, Albert Carnesale, Stephen Goldsmith
Peter G Peterson Foundation Robert Rubin, Bill Bradley, David M Walker, Diana Aviv
Harvard University Robert Rubin, Shirley M Tilghman, Larry Summers, Albert Carnesale
Bank of America Corporation Charles O Rossotti, Joseph W Prueher, Charles O Holliday Jr, Harold Ford Jr
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation Charles O Rossotti, Philip A Odeen, Thad W Allen, Lloyd Howell Jr
City Year Jeffrey B Swartz, David Gergen, John Bridgeland, Alan Khazei
Teach for America Larry Summers, David Gergen, Joel Klein, Wendy S Kopp
U.S. Department of the Treasury Robert Rubin, Stuart Eizenstat, Larry Summers, Nancy Killefer
Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security Subcommittee Tom Carper, Susan Collins, Joe Lieberman
Council on Competitiveness Erskine B Bowles, Charles O Holliday Jr, Amy Gutmann
Center for Global Development Larry Summers, David Gergen, Judy Woodruff
Duke University Joel Lawrence Fleishman, David Gergen, Richard H Brodhead
Goldman Sachs Robert Rubin, John C Whitehead, Lloyd Howell Jr