People Have Given To
People with positions in Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have made donations to
Right to Rise USA $1,091,498 Woody Johnson, Robert Litterman
Republican National Committee $392,435 Thomas H Kean, Bill Frist, Nancy Lee Johnson, James E Burke, Gail L Warden, Woody Johnson, David R Clare, Frank J Hoenemeyer, John J Heldrich, John J Horan, Richard B Sellars
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $382,765 Bill Frist, Gail L Warden, Woody Johnson
NRSC - Nonfederal $333,000 Bill Frist, Woody Johnson
National Republican Senatorial Committee $165,706 Thomas H Kean, Bill Frist, Edward E Matthews, Woody Johnson, David R Clare, Frank J Hoenemeyer, John J Heldrich, John J Horan, Richard B Sellars
Democratic National Committee $150,200 Risa J Lavizzo-Mourey, Linda M Griego, Robert J Blendon, Alice M Rivlin, Peter Orszag, Drew Altman, Edward E Matthews, Richard B Worley, Steven A Schroeder, Brenda Davis
Trump Victory $100,000 Woody Johnson
New York Salute 1996 Committee-Non Federal $100,000 Woody Johnson
Hillary Victory Fund $89,115 Alice M Rivlin, Peter Orszag
Bill Frist $78,011 Bill Frist, Edward E Matthews, Woody Johnson
American International Group Inc. Employee Political Action Committee $75,000 Edward E Matthews
Johnson & Johnson Political Action Committee $69,158 Ralph S Larsen, James E Burke, Thomas M Gorrie, Edward J Hartnett, George S Frazza
McCain Victory 2008 $67,800 Woody Johnson
Barack Obama $66,550 Linda M Griego, Alice M Rivlin, Peter Orszag, Jeffrey Powell Koplan, Drew Altman, Richard B Worley, Steven A Schroeder, Brenda Davis, Richard Besser
New Jersey Republican State Committee $63,058 Thomas H Kean, James E Burke, Edward E Matthews, Woody Johnson, Frank J Hoenemeyer, John J Heldrich
Mitt Romney $62,350 Ralph S Larsen, Thomas H Kean, Bill Frist, Nancy Lee Johnson, Edward E Matthews, Woody Johnson, David R Clare, Frank J Hoenemeyer, John J Heldrich, Richard B Sellars
Nrccc - Non Federal 2 $60,000 Woody Johnson
George W Bush $48,700 Ralph S Larsen, Bill Frist, Nancy Lee Johnson, Lewis Sandy, Gail L Warden, Edward E Matthews, Woody Johnson, Robert Litterman, Thomas M Gorrie, Frank J Hoenemeyer, John J Heldrich, Richard B Sellars
Dick Zimmer $43,250 Ralph S Larsen, Thomas H Kean, James E Burke, Edward E Matthews, Woody Johnson, Thomas M Gorrie, David R Clare, Edward J Hartnett, Frank J Hoenemeyer, George S Frazza, John J Heldrich, Brenda Davis
National Republican Congressional Committee $41,901 Nancy Lee Johnson, Woody Johnson, Frank J Hoenemeyer, John J Heldrich, John J Horan