Brenda Davis of Bozeman, Montana retired in 2007 from Johnson & Johnson where she was Corporate Compliance Officer and Vice President, Technical Resources. She had global responsibility for Quality & Compliance, Sales & Marketing Compliance, Environmental Affairs, Health & Safety, Operations Preparedness, Sterilization Science and Energy Management and was a member of the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Operating Group and the Public Policy Advisory Committee of the J&J Board of Directors. Before joining Johnson & Johnson, she was a visiting fellow at Princeton University, served in the Cabinet of New Jersey Governor Thomas H. Kean, and was a senior staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget. She serves on the boards of The Wilderness Society (former chairman), Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) and chairs the WWF Northern Great Plains Advisory Committee. She was previously a trustee of The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the Community Foundation of New Jersey and former chairman of the board of the New Jersey Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. Dr. Davis received a BA from the University of Denver and a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of California, Berkeley.