Economic policy think tank founded by Robert Rubin & Roger Altman
People Have Given To
People with positions in The Hamilton Project have made donations to
Tom Steyer $325,481,517 Robert Rubin, Richard C Perry, Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer 2020 $325,481,517 Robert Rubin, Richard C Perry, Tom Steyer
NextGen Climate Action $49,860,981 Tom Steyer
Need to Impeach $14,769,861 Tom Steyer
Senate Majority PAC $13,368,000 Eric Schmidt, Timothy Clark Collins, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Mark Gallogly, Roger C Altman
Harvard Kennedy School $10,000,000 David Rubenstein, Eric Mindich
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts $10,000,000 David Rubenstein
Tom Steyer Pac $8,173,603 Tom Steyer
Sanford School of Public Policy $5,800,000 David Rubenstein
Johns Hopkins Medicine, Health Systems and Hospital $5,000,000 David Rubenstein
Democratic National Committee $2,966,632 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Laura D Tyson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Alice M Rivlin, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Harold Ford Jr, Larry Summers, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Christopher Edley Jr, Peter Orszag, Daniel B Zwirn, Sheryl K Sandberg, Suzanne Nora Johnson, Nancy Killefer, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Howard P Berkowitz, George Akerlof, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff, Leslie B Samuels, Eric S Schwartz
Future Forward USA PAC $2,531,375 Eric Schmidt
For Our Future $2,500,000 Tom Steyer
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $2,129,810 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Laura D Tyson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Alice M Rivlin, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, David Rubenstein, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Peter Orszag, Alan S Blinder, Suzanne Nora Johnson, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Howard P Berkowitz, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff, Robert Greenstein, Leslie B Samuels, Eric S Schwartz
CE Action Cmte $1,866,744 Tom Steyer
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $1,590,050 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Laura D Tyson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Dick Gephardt, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Sheryl K Sandberg, Suzanne Nora Johnson, Mark Gallogly, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, George Akerlof, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Robert Greenstein, Leslie B Samuels, Eric S Schwartz
Hillary Victory Fund $1,530,173 James A Johnson, Richard C Perry, Alice M Rivlin, Timothy Clark Collins, Tom Steyer, Peter Orszag, Sheryl K Sandberg, Mark Gallogly, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff, Eric S Schwartz
Biden Action Fund $1,413,800 Robert Rubin, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein
Brookings Institute $1,350,000 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Richard C Perry, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, David Rubenstein, John Doerr, Daniel B Zwirn, Mark Gallogly, Roger C Altman, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff
DNC-Non-Federal Individual $1,299,575 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Eric Schmidt, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Mark Gallogly, Ralph L Schlosstein, Howard P Berkowitz, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Eric S Schwartz