Economic policy think tank founded by Robert Rubin & Roger Altman
People Have Given To
People with positions in The Hamilton Project have made donations to
Eliot Spitzer $201,200 Richard C Perry, Glenn Hutchins, Penny Pritzker, Mark Gallogly, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron
Unite The Country $200,000 Roger C Altman
Democratic Party of Wisconsin $199,186 Robert Rubin, Eric Schmidt, Penny Pritzker, Tom Steyer, Peter Orszag, Sheryl K Sandberg, Gene Sperling, Mark Gallogly, Roger C Altman, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff
Democratic White House Victory Fund $194,500 Harold Ford Jr, Mark Gallogly, Ralph L Schlosstein, Michael D Granoff, Eric S Schwartz
Chuck Schumer $189,463 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, David Rubenstein, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Peter Orszag, Alan S Blinder, Sheryl K Sandberg, Suzanne Nora Johnson, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Howard P Berkowitz, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff, Leslie B Samuels, Eric S Schwartz
Obama Victory Fund 2012 $188,700 Timothy Clark Collins, Peter Orszag, Daniel B Zwirn, Michael D Granoff, Lawrence Katz, Eric S Schwartz
Unidosus Action Pac $185,000 Roger C Altman
John Kerry $177,200 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, David Rubenstein, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Alan S Blinder, Sheryl K Sandberg, Jack Lew, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Judith Feder, Howard P Berkowitz, George Akerlof, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff, Leslie B Samuels, Eric S Schwartz
Civic Innovation Usa Inc $150,000 Eric Schmidt
Andrew Cuomo $144,500 Richard C Perry, Mark Gallogly, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff
House Victory Project $143,100 Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Eric S Schwartz
Michael Bennet $133,100 James A Johnson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Alice M Rivlin, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Peter Orszag, Sheryl K Sandberg, Suzanne Nora Johnson, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Robert Greenstein
LCV Victory Fund $125,000 Tom Steyer
Dcccc Non-Federal Account 7 $120,500 Timothy Clark Collins, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Steven Rattner, Michael D Granoff
Harry Reid $111,400 James A Johnson, Eric Schmidt, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Dick Gephardt, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Sheryl K Sandberg, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Blair Effron, Jonathan Coslet, Eric S Schwartz
Ron Wyden $110,300 Robert Rubin, James A Johnson, Richard C Perry, Eric Schmidt, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Tom Steyer, Peter Orszag, Sheryl K Sandberg, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff
Nita M Lowey $106,250 Robert Rubin, Richard C Perry, Glenn Hutchins, Timothy Clark Collins, Dick Gephardt, Mark Gallogly, Roger C Altman, Ralph L Schlosstein, Howard P Berkowitz, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Michael D Granoff, Leslie B Samuels
DNC Non-Federal Unincorporated Association Account $105,000 Eric Schmidt, Timothy Clark Collins, Steven Rattner, Michael D Granoff
Claire McCaskill $100,500 James A Johnson, Alice M Rivlin, Dick Gephardt, Larry Summers, Penny Pritzker, John Doerr, Sheryl K Sandberg, Mark Gallogly, Eric Mindich, Roger C Altman, Steven Rattner, Blair Effron, Robert Greenstein
One Vote at a Time $100,000 Eric Schmidt
The Hamilton Project
Updated over 3 years ago

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Types Organization, Other Not-for-Profit, Policy/Think Tank

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