Kevin E Lofton
CEO, Common Spirit Health
Jeffrey A Bluestone
A.W. and Mary Margaret Clausen Distinguished Professor, UC San Francisco
Diana Degette
US Representative from Colorado (1997-present)
Sean Parker
Former President of Facebook
Charles W Ergen
Satellite TV billionaire; EchoStar and Dish Network
Judith B Wagner
CEO, Wagner Investment Management; Treasurer - Boettcher Foundation
Pat Stryker
Stryker medical device heir, billionaire; Bohemian Companies
Merle Chambers
Founded and managed Axem Resources Incorporated, a privately held, independent oil and gas company
Robert J Fisher
Former chairman, Gap; managing director, Pisces Inc.
Doris Fisher
Co founder, Gap
Sakurako D Fisher
Wife of billionaire William Fisher, former president San Francisco Symphony
William S Fisher
Gap billionaire; CEO and Founder, Manzanita Capital
Ann Doerr
Philanthropist, wife of John Doerr