Board Memberships
Fair Maps Colorado
supporting 2018 ballot questions creating appointed commissions to redistrict congressional and legislative seats
Allegra "Happy" Haynes
Denver School Board Candidate
Dafna Michaelson Jenet
Democrat State House Representative for Adams County in Colorado.
Adrienne Benavidez
Democrat State House Representative for Adams County in Colorado.
Dominick Moreno
Democrat State Senate Representative for Adams County.
Faith Winter
Democrat State House Representative for Adams County in Colorado.
Priorities USA Action
Pro-Obama/Hillary Clinton Super PAC
American Bridge 21st Century
One of the primary Super PACs supporting Hillary Clinton's presidential bid
Future Forward USA PAC
Created in 2018 to support the presidential election of Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi
US Representative from California
House Majority PAC
"holding Republicans accountable and helping Democrats win seats in the House"
Stryker Corporation
Development, Manufacture, and Sale of Orthopaedic Products and Services
Ronda E Stryker
medical device heir, billionaire
Jon Stryker
Medical device billionaire heir, architect and liberal donor
University of Northern Colorado
A public research university in Greeley, Colorado