Providing hardware, software, and consulting and related services.
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of IBM also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Council on Foreign Relations Shirley Ann Jackson, Joan E Spero, James W Owens, Jack Keane, Kenneth W Dam, Ginni Rometty, Louis V Gerstner Jr
Citigroup Inc. C Michael Armstrong, Alain J P Belda, Andrew N Liveris, Joan E Spero, Lorenzo H Zambrano, Joan Edelman Spero
Wells Fargo & Company Ann-Marie Damiano, Stephen Hinchey, Nancy Hornberger, Susan Mazur, John Palermo
General Electric Company Jim McNerney, Patrick Dowd, Martin J Schroeter, Michael Jackman, Michael Mcnulty
AT&T, Inc. C Michael Armstrong, Douglas Klotnia, Mark Butterworth, Maria Suglia, Frank Lieberman
Apple, Inc. Tim Cook, Jerome B York, Donald J Rosenberg, Mark Papermaster, Rita S Lane
Brookings Institution Shirley Ann Jackson, Joan E Spero, Hutham S Olayan, Kenneth W Dam, Ginni Rometty
Business Roundtable James W Owens, Jim McNerney, John T Chambers, Edmund T Pratt, Ken Chenault
Cisco Systems, Inc. Frank A Calderoni, John T Chambers, Nick Adamo, Ann-Marie Damiano, Carrie Palin
PepsiCo, Inc. John F Akers, Mark Olmstead, John Orourke, Frank Lieberman
Fix the Debt Andrew N Liveris, Jim McNerney, John T Chambers, Eric Letsinger
EMC CORPORATION Fred Monjazeb, Allan Scherr, Michael Wing, Chris Rodriguez
The Business Council Andrew N Liveris, James W Owens, Jim McNerney, Edmund T Pratt
Workforce of Tomorrow 2019 Lorraine Hariton, Deb Bubb, Molly Elgin-Cossart
The Allstate Corporation Michael L Eskew, Peter J Ungaro, Robert Cella
Trump Manufacturing Jobs Initiative Mark Fields, Andrew N Liveris, Alex Gorsky
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation Michael M Thomas, Betty Thompson, William J Trahant
Alcoa Inc. Alain J P Belda, James W Owens, Carlos Ghosn
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP William J Trahant, David P. Craig, Eric Letsinger
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Minoru Makihara, Ginni Rometty, Steven Jarrett
Updated 4 months ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Public Company
Start date 1911
Revenue 81.7 Billion
Aliases CTR, Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, IRS EIN 13-0871985, International Business Machines, International Business Machines Corp, International Business Machines Corporation

External Links

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