Podesta Group Inc
Paul Brathwaite, James Dyer, John Scofield, Elizabeth Morra
Keep the Change
Robert L Livingston, Tripp Funderburk
S-3 Group
Jeffrey Shockey, John Scofield
House Intelligence Committee
Robert L Livingston, Jeffrey Shockey
House Budget Committee
Martin Olav Sabo, Dennis Kedzior
Livingston Group
Robert L Livingston, Tripp Funderburk
U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services
Bill Greenwalt
Joint Economic Committee
Scott Lilly
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee
David Obey
Tom Carper
Paul Brathwaite
William Thad Cochran
Elizabeth Morra
Robert E Cramer Jr
Michael W Adcock
Elijah Cummings
Paul Brathwaite
Rahm Emanuel
Robert L Nabors
Eddie Bernice Johnson
Paul Brathwaite
Ray H LaHood
Patrick Carroll
Jerry Lewis
Jeffrey Shockey
Frank A Lobiondo
John Scofield
Devin Nunes
Jeffrey Shockey
David Obey
Scott Lilly