Mark Maddox
Fellow, American Action Forum
Lauri Fitz Pegado
Former Assistant Secretary, Department of Commerce
Steve Kreseski
Former Chief of Staff to Rep. Ehrlich; Former Staffer to Sen. Pressler
Martin Cancienne
Livingston Partner & Former Chief of Operations For Congressman Billy Tauzin
Colin Samples
LIvingston Group Lobbyist and Former Staffer For Frank Wolf
Bernie Robinson
Lobbyist & Former Chief of Staff For James P McGovern
Mark Lindsay
Linvingston Group Healthcare Lobbyist and Former White House Senior Advisor for Bill Clinton
Russell J Mueller
Revolving door lobbyist
Paul Cambon
Livingston Group Partner and Former Legislative Director for Congressman Bob Livingston
Dennis Mark Hertel
Lobbyist and Former US Representative from Michigan
Robert L Livingston
Founder of Livingston Group; Republican Representative from Louisiana
Board Members
Robert L Livingston
Founder of Livingston Group; Republican Representative from Louisiana
Oracle Corporation
Information Management
Goodyear Tire & Rubber
tire manufacturer
Verizon Communications Inc.
Merger of Bell Atlantic Corp. and GTE Corp.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Defense, aeronautics, and systems engineering company
Ashland, Inc.
Chemical company
Raytheon Company
Defense contractor; merged with UTC. Surviving company exists as a subsidiary of the renamed UTC, company, Raytheon Technologies
Becton Dickinson
medical technology company
Brunswick Corporation
Manufactures and markets leisure products, including pleasure boats, bowling and billiards products, and fitness equipment. Revenues are $5 billion.
Lobbied By
GoBiz Advantage
Lobby Firm
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
White House Office
Includes multiple levels of presidential advisory boards and advisors
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The United States' Health and Human Services Agency
Department of the Interior
federal agency responsible for the management and conservation of most federal lands and natural resources
US Senate
upper house of the United States Congress
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
US Army
Land warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces.
Environmental Protection Agency
US government agency for environmental protection created in 1970 by Pres. Nixon