Although the ICCF and its related national caucuses should be credited for various successes in the area of wildlife protection and maritime governance, it also provides -willingly, it seems- a "green cover" to both the industry and politicians alike. Its 'Partners' include organizations like Exxon Mobil, its US Caucus members include many lawmakers from the Coal Caucus and "Climate change deniers"... ICCF offers it’s corporate and NGO partners unparalleled opportunity for access and visibility before the 2nd largest bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Capitol Hill - now one third of the U.S. Congress. ICCF puts our partners in front of Members of Congress, on a regular basis, to highlight their environmental and conservation initiatives so policymakers are informed before they vote on related legislation. ICCF is the leading non-profit organization utilizing corporate and NGO leaders to showcase before U.S. policymakers how their environmental and conservation initiatives positively impact U.S. economic and security interests. Founding Principle: Business and global conservation can and should go hand in hand. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, its EIN ID is 83-0449176