partner at Hunton & Williams; lawyer that US DOJ advised BofA to hire to take on wikileaks
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Richard L Wyatt Jr also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
John K Castle Eric Cantor, Jim DeMint, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Straight Talk America, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund
Carl H Lindner Tom Carper, Larry Edwin Craig, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Phil Gramm, Fred Dalton Thompson, Connie Mack III, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee
Andrew Saul Eric Cantor, Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee
Donald J Hall, Jr Eric Cantor, Tom Carper, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George Allen, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Phil Gramm, Fred Dalton Thompson, Connie Mack III, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee
Henry M Gandy Eric Cantor, Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund
Robert J Dotchin Tom Carper, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, David Lee Hobson, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund
Harry Lucas Jr Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Straight Talk America
Woody Johnson Eric Cantor, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Straight Talk America
Albert B Ratner Eric Cantor, David Lee Hobson, John McCain, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Connie Mack III, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Straight Talk America, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund
Kenneth J Bialkin Eric Cantor, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, George Allen, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani
James S McDonnell III Larry Edwin Craig, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund
Larry A Mizel Eric Cantor, Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani
Melvin A Dow Eric Cantor, Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, George Allen, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Phil Gramm, Bill Clinton, Straight Talk America
John Dowd Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Straight Talk America, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP Civic Action Committee, Brian M F Kennedy
James A Patterson Tom Carper, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani
Robert A Day Eric Cantor, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Phil Gramm, Fred Dalton Thompson, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Straight Talk America
Charles R. Black Eric Cantor, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, Fred Dalton Thompson, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Straight Talk America
Robert J Perry Larry Edwin Craig, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George Allen, Jim Talent, Phil Gramm, Connie Mack III, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani
Stanley S. Hubbard Eric Cantor, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, Jim Talent, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Phil Gramm, Connie Mack III, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani
Dean L Buntrock Tom Carper, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Richard Shelby, John Thune, George Allen, Phil Gramm, Connie Mack III, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund