Lobbying firm formerly named 'Federalist Group ', part of the Ogilvy group since 2005
People Have Given To
People with positions in Ogilvy Government Relations have made donations to
National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac $17,000 Wayne L Berman
Daniel Webster PAC $17,000 Wayne L Berman, Stewart Hall, John M Green, J Patrick Cave
Ralph Straus Regula $16,758 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Stewart Hall, John M Green
Rubio Victory Cmte $16,500 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Tucker Shumack
Lindsey Graham $16,229 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Stewart Hall, John M Green, Timothy R Rupli, Christopher Giblin
George Allen $16,000 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Stewart Hall, John M Green, Julie Dammann, Timothy R Rupli, Tucker Shumack, Christopher Giblin
Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee $16,000 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, J Patrick Cave, Timothy R Rupli
Harry Reid $15,899 Gordon Taylor, Richard Alcalde, Timothy R Rupli, Andrew Marc Rosenberg
Tom Reed $15,849 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Tucker Shumack, Christopher Giblin
Leadership PAC 2006 $15,500 Wayne L Berman, Stewart Hall, John M Green, J Patrick Cave, Timothy R Rupli
Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics $15,500 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Christopher Giblin
Gene PAC $15,500 Moses Mercado
National Association of Chain Drug Stores Political Action Committee $15,000 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, John M Green, W Christopher Lamond, Christopher Giblin
Bluegrass Cmte $15,000 Drew Maloney, Stewart Hall, John M Green, Tucker Shumack
Big Tent PAC $15,000 Wayne L Berman
Loretta Sanchez $15,000 Moses Mercado, Dean Aguillen
William Shuster $14,750 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, John M Green, Richard Alcalde, Tucker Shumack, Christopher Giblin
Barbara Comstock $14,668 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, Stewart Hall, John M Green, Timothy R Rupli, Christopher Giblin
Kelly Ayotte $14,650 Wayne L Berman, Stewart Hall, John M Green, Tucker Shumack, Christopher Giblin
Charles Boustany $14,640 Wayne L Berman, Drew Maloney, J Patrick Cave, Richard Alcalde, Timothy R Rupli, Tucker Shumack, Christopher Giblin
Ogilvy Government Relations
Updated almost 4 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Lobbying Firm, Public Relations Firm, PAC
Website http://www.ogilvygr.com/
Aliases Federalist Group, Federalists Group, OGILVY GR


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