John D Raffaelli
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Anthony D Weiner, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Jay Rockefeller, Patrick Murphy, Gwen Graham
Bernard L Schwartz
Joel Hyatt, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Tim Mahoney, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Anthony D Weiner, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Patrick Murphy, Val Demings
Victor A Kovner
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Tim Mahoney, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Anthony D Weiner, Robert Wexler, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Christine Jennings, Wesley Clark, Joe Garcia, Betty Castor, Val Demings
Marsha Z Laufer
Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Kendrick B Meek, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ron Wyden, Dick Gephardt, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Christine Jennings, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Joe Garcia, Howard Dean, Annette Taddeo, Betty Castor, Lois Frankel, Patrick Murphy, Gwen Graham, Hillary Victory Fund
John Morgan
Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Kendrick B Meek, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robert Wexler, Dick Gephardt, Bob Graham, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Christine Jennings, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Betty Castor, Michael Daniel Stedem, Lois Frankel, Patrick Murphy, Val Demings, Gwen Graham
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Bill Bradley, Howell Thomas Heflin, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Wesley Clark, Jay Rockefeller, Patrick Murphy
Orin S Kramer
Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bill Richardson, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Phyllis H Busansky, Jay Rockefeller, Hillary Victory Fund
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Joel Hyatt, Hillary Clinton, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Dick Gephardt, Howell Thomas Heflin, Al Gore, Douglas Wayne Owens, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Betty Castor, Jay Rockefeller, Hillary Victory Fund
Beth Dozoretz
Joel Hyatt, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bill Richardson, Al Gore, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Wesley Clark, L Douglas Wilder, Jay Rockefeller, Hillary Victory Fund
James A Johnson
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bob Graham, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Bill Richardson, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Jay Rockefeller, Hillary Victory Fund
Dennis Mehiel
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Anthony D Weiner, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Dick Gephardt, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Douglas Wayne Owens, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Annette Taddeo, Val Demings, Hillary Victory Fund
Lewis Manilow
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Bill Nelson, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bill Richardson, Al Gore, Douglas Wayne Owens, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Wesley Clark, Howard Dean, Jay Rockefeller
Charles T Manatt
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Bill Richardson, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Hugh E. Rodham, Jr., Jay Rockefeller
Michael D Granoff
Hillary Clinton, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Anthony D Weiner, Robert Wexler, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Wesley Clark, National Action Committee (Nacpac), Patrick Murphy, Hillary Victory Fund
Howard Kessler
Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Tim Mahoney, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Anthony D Weiner, Ron Wyden, Dick Gephardt, Bob Graham, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Howard Dean, Betty Castor, Patrick Murphy, Hillary Victory Fund
Sally Minard
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Tim Mahoney, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Harold Ford Jr, Bill Bradley, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Christine Jennings, Wesley Clark, Phyllis H Busansky, Betty Castor, Jay Rockefeller
Jack M Quinn
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Democratic National Committee, Christine Jennings, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Howard Dean, Jay Rockefeller
Charles Campion
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Ron Klein, Tim Mahoney, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Anthony D Weiner, Sheldon Whitehouse, Dick Gephardt, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Hugh E. Rodham, Jr., Jay Rockefeller, Hillary Victory Fund
Jonathan Yarowsky
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Kendrick B Meek, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robert Wexler, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Bill Richardson, Al Gore, Democratic National Committee, Wesley Clark, Howard Dean, Jay Rockefeller
Casey Wasserman
Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Bill Nelson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Harold Ford Jr, Dick Gephardt, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, DNC-Non-Federal Individual, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Wesley Clark, Howard Dean, Hillary Victory Fund