Trump appointee to be a Member and Chair of the Merit Systems Protection Board
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Dennis Dean Kirk also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Leora Levy John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
W Clarke Swanson Jr Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
Howard H Leach Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain Victory 2008, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
Ronald J Gidwitz Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
Marc I Stern Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
Jack E Guenther Jr John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain Victory 2008, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
Marvin Ray Shanken John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain Victory 2008, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
Clive Runnells John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
Andrew Sabin Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
George C Hixon John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain Victory 2008, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Oliver North, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
Alex Castellanos John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Tim Griffin, Trump Victory
Norma Ellis Zimdahl John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
Richard Gaby Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain Victory 2008, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
C Boyden Gray Tom Davis, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Oliver North, Right to Rise USA
William Charles Powers Jim DeMint, John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory
M. Jude Reyes Tom Davis, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain Victory 2008, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA
Ed Rogers Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Minnesota, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Oliver North
Charles R. Black Tom Davis, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
Peter B. Levy John McCain, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Virginia Inc, Republican Party of Minnesota, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Trump Victory
Sander R Gerber Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Right to Rise USA, Trump Victory