Former 3M CEO
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Livio DeSimone also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Arthur D Mason Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum
Jack R. Anderson Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Rick Santorum, Steve Forbes
Joshua Landes Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Rick Santorum
Robert Pence Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum
Bruce D Benson Norm Coleman, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
William H Walton III Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Philip H Geier Jr Norm Coleman, Lindsey Graham, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Steve Forbes
C Boyden Gray Norm Coleman, Lindsey Graham, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum
William C Steere Jr Norm Coleman, Ben Nelson, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Richard H Davis Lindsey Graham, Thomas Latham, Mel Martinez, Ben Nelson, George Allen, Conrad Burns
Thomas A Saunders III Norm Coleman, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Thomas J Kavaler Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Amory Houghton Jr
R Edward Ingle Norm Coleman, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Orrin H Ingram II Norm Coleman, Lindsey Graham, Mel Martinez, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Patrick G Ryan Lindsey Graham, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Steve Gordon Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, John P. Kline, Jr., George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Nancy Goodman Brinker Norm Coleman, Mel Martinez, Conrad Burns, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum, Steve Forbes
Janet Berman Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Rick Santorum
Ross Farnsworth Sr Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint, Mel Martinez, George Allen, Mark Kennedy, Rick Santorum
Robert A Mosbacher Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, John P. Kline, Jr., Mel Martinez, Rick Santorum, Steve Forbes
Livio DeSimone
Updated over 7 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Business Person
Gender Male
Date of death January 2017
Aliases Desi DeSimone, Desi Desimone, Livio Desimone