Partner, Jenner & Block
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Ronald R Peterson also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Manus Cooney Lamar Alexander, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Tom Cotton
Randall K Rowe Chris Dodd, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Bill Bradley, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Loleta Didrickson, Mitt Romney, Robert Dold
Peter B Bensinger Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Loleta Didrickson, John E Porter, Mitt Romney, Robert W Kustra, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold
Woody L Hunt Jeff Bingaman, John McCain, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Tom Cotton
Norm Brownstein Jeff Bingaman, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Bill Bradley, National Republican Congressional Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Mitt Romney
Laurel Asness Chris Dodd, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Tom Cotton
Michael J Birck Mark Steven Kirk, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Loleta Didrickson, Al Salvi, Mitt Romney, Robert W Kustra, Scott P Brown
Ray L Hunt Lamar Alexander, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Tom Cotton
Bill Weld Lamar Alexander, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Al Salvi, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Michael J Sacks Jeff Bingaman, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bill Bradley, Carol Moseley Braun, Mitt Romney
Shawn Smeallie Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Dean White Jeff Bingaman, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Mitt Romney
Madison Self Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bob Dole, Richard S Williamson, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Loleta Didrickson, Robert W Kustra
Laurence E Hirsch Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Robert Dold, Tom Cotton
Sally Pillsbury Lamar Alexander, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, Loleta Didrickson, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Aubrey K McClendon Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown
Miriam Adelson Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold, Tom Cotton
Joseph J Plumeri II Chris Dodd, John McCain, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Tom Cotton
Dietrich M Gross Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Loleta Didrickson, Al Salvi, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Robert Dold
Leonard A Lauder Lamar Alexander, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John McCain, Bill Bradley, Bob Dole, Republican National Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee
Ronald R Peterson
Updated over 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Lawyer
Gender Male