A native of Columbus, Ms. Kass received her Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts degree from The Ohio State University. After a brief period in the allied medical profession, she worked as a journalist specializing in medical and health issues for regional and national publications, including TIME and The Detroit Free Press, and later served as a corporate communications and public affairs executive within the cable television and broadcasting industries in New York City. She is the co-author of The Real Life Nutrition Book (Jan. 1992). Ms. Kass is a strong advocate of education, early childhood development, literacy and the arts, and has played a leadership role in a number of civic and community organizations over the past two decades. She currently serves as Chair of the Franklin County-based Champion of Children initiative, is a member of the Bexley Education Foundation Board of Governors, is a board member of KidsOhio.org and United Way of Central Ohio, and is a member of the Alumni Secondary School Committee of the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, Ms. Kass was elected to two four-year terms on the Bexley Board of Education (1994-2001), and served as President and Vice President; she was Chairman of Bexley Education Foundation; served as a Trustee of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra, and as its Board Chair and Vice Chair; was a member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for Capital University; and served as General Co-Chair of United Way of Central Ohio’s 2005 community campaign. Ms. Kass has received a number of awards for her community trusteeship including the 1997 Robert S. Crane, Jr. Trusteeship Award from Leadership Columbus and the 1999 Women of Achievement Award from the YWCA. Ms. Kass resides in Bexley with her husband, Frank. They have a daughter, three sons and four grandchildren.