Board Memberships
KIPP Foundation
KIPP began in 1994 when two teachers, Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, launched a fifth-grade public school program in inner-city Houston, TX, after completing their commitment to Teach For America.
Leadership for Educational Equity
membership-based org for former TFAers anti-union, pro charter schools
Stand for Children
Education Reform Organization
Bloomberg Family Foundation
Michael Bloomberg's philanthrophy foundation
Robin Hood Foundation
Major NYC private anti-poverty charity
KIPP Foundation
KIPP began in 1994 when two teachers, Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, launched a fifth-grade public school program in inner-city Houston, TX, after completing their commitment to Teach For America.
Blooomberg-Backed NY Data Analytics Ed Reform Organization
Robin Hood Foundation
Major NYC private anti-poverty charity
Joseph J Lhota
Executive of Madison Square Garden and NYU Langone; former Chair and CEO of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Micah Lasher
NYS Democratic Candidate for Senate; Political Operative
Daniel Squadron
politician, former New York state senator
Craig Johnson
New York State Senator (D-Port Washington)
Janette Garza Lindner
Candidate for Houston ISD trustee district 1
Gina Raimondo
Governor of Rhode Island
Michael Bennet
US Senator from Colorado
Reshma M Saujani
Founder, Girls Who Code
Hakeem Jeffries
US Representative D-New York (2013-present)
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Mark Warner
US Senator from Virginia (2009-present); former Governor of Virginia
David Schapira
Arizona State Legislator
Mary Landrieu
former Democratic US Senator from Louisiana
Alan Khazei
City Year co-founder and Brookline MA resident
Mark P Frissora
Former CEO, Hertz Global Holdings; CEO and President of Caesars Entertainment since 2015
Michael Bloomberg
NYC's info-billionaire former mayor; Publisher of Bloomberg LP