Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (2006-2014)
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Ben Bernanke
PersonCommon Orgs
Janet Yellen Council of Economic Advisers, Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, Federal Open Market Committee, Bank for International Settlements
Greg Mankiw Council of Economic Advisers, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy
William C Dudley Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Open Market Committee, Bank for International Settlements
Martin S Feldstein Council of Economic Advisers, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, Citadel LLC
Alan S Blinder Princeton University, Council of Economic Advisers, Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Stanley Fischer Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, Federal Open Market Committee
Michael H Moskow Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Federal Open Market Committee
Paul Krugman Princeton University, Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research
Charles I Plosser National Bureau of Economic Research, Federal Open Market Committee, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Christina D Romer Princeton University, Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research
Rebecca M Blank Princeton University, Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research
Daniel K Tarullo Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Open Market Committee
William D Nordhaus Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Elizabeth A Duke Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Open Market Committee
Alan Greenspan Council of Economic Advisers, Federal Reserve System, Bank for International Settlements
Alan B Krueger Princeton University, Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research
Austan Goolsbee Council of Economic Advisers, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, National Bureau of Economic Research
Jeffrey Kling Princeton University, National Bureau of Economic Research
Mark Duggan Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research
Eric A Hanushek Council of Economic Advisers, National Bureau of Economic Research