Paul Pelosi is an investment banker with over 40 years experience in finance and management. Since 1974 Pelosi has had his own firm, Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco-based diversified investment and consulting company. His activities are equally divided between real estate development projects and venture capital investments. Pelosi sits on the boards of many philanthropic and corporate Boards in San Francisco and in Washington D.C. where his wife, Nancy Pelosi, presides over Congress as Speaker of the House. Currently, Pelosi serves as Chairman on the Georgetown University School’s of Foreign Service’s Board of Visitors, the San Francisco War Memorial Board of Trustees, the National Institute of Health Children's Inn, the University of California Medical School Foundation, City Car Services, LLC and Matthews International Capital Management, LLC. Pelosi is a graduate of the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University and studied business at the graduate schools of New York University and Harvard.