Shari Aronson
Pace University, principal, Aronson Family Foundation
John Maraganore
Former founding CEO at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Betty Krikorian
Trustee of The Advisors' Inner Circle Fund
Nelson C Rising
Chairman of Rising Realty; former CEO of Catellus Development (now ProLogis)
Tonio Burgos
Lobbyist and former Mario Cuomo aide
Patricia Kraft
New England Patriots Football Club
Anne Dewing Gifford
Wife of former Bank of America chairman Charles K Gifford
Jonathan G Davis
Boston real estate; CEO and founder, The Davis Companies
Keith Rabois
Angel Investor; investment partner at Khosla Ventures; general partner, Founders Fund
Ralph De La Torre
former chairman/CEO, Steward Health Care System; cardiac surgeon
Bryan S Traubert
Retired Ophthalmologist; President of the Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation
Richard Plepler
Former Co-President: Home Box Office; will produce television shows and documentaries for Apple
Robert L Reynolds
President and CEO, Putnam Investments