Prior to joining IEM, Patenaude served as deputy secretary of HUD from 2017 to 2019. Earlier, she served as assistant secretary for community planning and development at HUD. She also served as HUD's assistant deputy secretary for field policy and management. In addition to her public service, she was president of the J. Ronald Terwilliger Foundation for Housing America's Families. Before, co-founding the Terwilliger Foundation, she was the director of housing policy for the Bipartisan Policy Center. She currently serves on the boards of Habitat for Humanity International, the Bipartisan Policy Center and is a trustee of the Homebuilders Institute. Ms. Patenaude earned her B.S. from Saint Anselm College and her Master of Science Community Economic Development degree from Southern New Hampshire University. Her awards include: HousingWire 2013 Woman of Influence and the Saint Anselm College Alumni Award of Merit 2006.