Business Positions
The Cohen Group
Federal/military lobbying organization run by former Clinton SecDef William Cohen
Board Memberships
Government Positions
Erskine B Bowles
Clinton's chief of staff from 1996-1998; investor; deficit hawk
John Kerry
68th US Secretary of State, Senator from Massachusetts
Joe Lieberman
Former US Senator for CT (1989-2013); Vice President nominee (2000)
Raúl Grijalva
US Representative from Arizona (2003-present)
Dick Gephardt
Former House Minority Leader (D, MO)
Mary Landrieu
former Democratic US Senator from Louisiana
Fred Duval
Former Managing Director of Amicus Investors; Democratic nominee for Governor of Arizona in 2014, but defeated by then-State Treasurer Doug Ducey.
Al Gore
Vice President of the United States 1993-2001