Dr. John B. Tsu was regarded not only as a distinguished scholar and educator but also the man who worked diligently and tirelessly for people of all levels to enable them to have the opportunity of achieving deserving goals and positions in both public and private sectors. Dr. Tsu was educated in Japan and graduated from the School of Law of Tokyo University. He went to the United States in 1950's to pursue his advanced degree where received his Masters Degree from Georgetown University and earned a PhD at Fordham in Political Science and International Relations. As an accomplished scholar, he taught at Seton Hall University, San Francisco University, Stanford University (Hoover Institute) and John F. Kennedy University. During his tenure as scholar and educator at these universities, he embarked on and implemented many unique and valuable programs. These included Bilingual programs (he was the first scholar to implement Japanese language at public high schools in the United States) and numerous other programs which enabled many of his former students to use the teachings of the late Dr. Tsu to advance for their professional and academic careers. Dr. Tsu worked particularly to promote Asian Americans in public service for more than 30 years. He was an Advisor to Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes. Dr. Tsu was Chairman of President George W. Bush's Advisory Committee on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and the first Chairman of the International Leadership Foundation, which provides scholarship to Asian Americans in public service and international affairs. He was also President of the non-patrician Asian American Political Education Foundation and served on the Presidential Commission on Education and numerous other governmental and presidential commissions. Dr. Tsu was Chairman of U.S. Foundation for International Economic Policy, which was incorporated under the leadership of the U.S. Congress and its counterparts in the Japanese Diet as well as the leaders in business and educational field of the both countries, designed to promote the bilateral relationship on trade, education and health. One of the greatest achievements he accomplished is the equilibrium of trade and education in the bilateral relationship, which provided the opportunities with small and medium seized business companies in the both countries to increase tangible business results through "grass-roots business opportunities trade mission" which has been the on-going activities of the U.S. Foundation for International Economic Policy. He received his law degree from the University of Tokyo Law School in 1946. Soon after graduating, he immigrated to the United States, where he received a master's in political science from Georgetown University in 1949 and a doctorate in political science from Fordham University in 1954. In 1965, he married Susan Fu, an accomplished artist.He served as a regent at John F. Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill and was a professor, department head and visiting scholar at such institutions as Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Professor Tsu is survived by his wife.