Ms. Strawn brings extensive knowledge of the appropriations process to the Stanton Park Group’s clients, as well as significant experience in education and healthcare gained in over eight years of service on Capitol Hill. Ms. Strawn will use her appropriations expertise as well as her years of experience in education, healthcare and workforce issues to help the Stanton Park Group’s clients navigate the ten spending bills passed annually by the Congress, as well as relevant authorizing legislation. Mrs. Strawn also served as a senior aid to her hometown Representative, Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA), a senior Member of the House Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees. As Legislative Director, Erin implemented a comprehensive legislative strategy for initiatives in healthcare, foreign affairs, tax, housing and transportation, and managed the Congressman’s policy on Russia. Weldon, a Russian affairs expert, tapped Strawn to coordinate a bi-annual Parliamentary exchange with meetings both in Washington, DC and Moscow. Ms. Strawn also served Congressman Weldon as a legislative assistant, office manager, and staff assistant. Ms. Strawn received her B.S. in finance from the Georgetown University School of Business.