Billionaire runs own investment firm
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Nicolas Berggruen
PersonCommon Orgs
Juan Luis Cebrián Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Mohamed El-Erian Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Eric Schmidt Think Long Committee for California, Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council
Andrew Michael Spence 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Nouriel Roubini 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Terry S Semel Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Think Long Committee for California
Felipe González Márquez 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Joseph Stiglitz 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Alain Minc 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Arianna Huffington Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council
Condoleezza Rice Think Long Committee for California, Berggruen Institute
Ernesto Zedillo Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council
Gerhard Schröder 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
Shaukat Aziz Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council
Reid Hoffman Berggruen Institute, 21st Century Council
Eli Broad Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Think Long Committee for California
Laura D Tyson Think Long Committee for California, 21st Century Council
Pascal Lamy 21st Century Council, Council for the Future of Europe (CFE)
David Bonderman Think Long Committee for California, Berggruen Institute
Ray Chambers Berggruen Institute