Vice President under George W Bush; neoconservative leader; former Secretary of Defense and corporate executive
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Dick Cheney
PersonCommon Orgs
Donald H Rumsfeld US House of Representatives, US Department of Defense, White House Office, Office of Economic Opportunity, Gerald R Ford Foundation
John Bolton White House Office, American Enterprise Institute, Project for the New American Century
Brent Scowcroft Council on Foreign Relations, Gerald R Ford Foundation, United States - Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce
John Quincy Adams US House of Representatives, White House Office, Executive Branch
Gerald Ford US House of Representatives, White House Office, Executive Branch
Peter J Wallison White House Office, American Enterprise Institute, Council on Foreign Relations
Martin S Feldstein White House Office, American Enterprise Institute, Council on Foreign Relations
William Henry Harrison US House of Representatives, White House Office, Executive Branch
James A Garfield US House of Representatives, White House Office, Executive Branch
Millard Fillmore US House of Representatives, White House Office, Executive Branch
David Packard US Department of Defense, American Enterprise Institute
Joseph S Nye Jr US Department of Defense, Council on Foreign Relations
Andrew F Krepinevich Jr US Department of Defense, Council on Foreign Relations
Gene Sperling White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations
John B Bellinger III US Department of Defense, Council on Foreign Relations
Franklin Miller US Department of Defense, George W Bush
Kenneth M Duberstein White House Office, Council on Foreign Relations
Robert P Griffin US House of Representatives, Gerald R Ford Foundation
Alberto Gonzales White House Office, George W Bush
Robert Blackwill George W Bush, Council on Foreign Relations