Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Foreign Policy Association also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Atlantic Council George P Shultz, James Addison Baker III, Madeleine Albright, Colin L Powell, Henry A Kissinger, John C Whitehead, Enzo Viscusi, Georgette Mosbacher, Julia Chang Bloch
US Department of State George P Shultz, Theodore Roosevelt IV, James Addison Baker III, Madeleine Albright, Colin L Powell, Henry A Kissinger, John C Whitehead, Warren Christopher
Council on Foreign Relations George P Shultz, Madeleine Albright, Colin L Powell, Maurice R Greenberg, Warren Christopher
Asia Society Harold McGraw III, William R Rhodes, David A Coulter, Maurice R Greenberg, John C Whitehead
National Committee on United States-China Relations William R Rhodes, Madeleine Albright, Maurice R Greenberg, Henry A Kissinger
Committee for Economic Development Edward B Rust Jr, Patrick W Gross, George P Shultz, Edward F Cox
JPMorgan Chase & Co. John H Biggs, David A Coulter, Donald H Layton, Henry A Kissinger
Goldman Sachs Peter K Scaturro, Sanjeev K Mehra, John C Whitehead
Center for Strategic and International Studies Madeleine Albright, Maurice R Greenberg, Henry A Kissinger
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Donald H Layton, John C Whitehead, Terrence J Checki
Peterson Institute for International Economics Harold McGraw III, George P Shultz, Maurice R Greenberg
Partnership for a Secure America Madeleine Albright, John C Whitehead, Warren Christopher
New York University Theodore Roosevelt IV, Maurice R Greenberg
The Aspen Institute Patrick W Gross, Madeleine Albright
US-China Business Council Harold McGraw III, William R Rhodes
Defense Policy Board Madeleine Albright, Henry A Kissinger
Schwarzman Scholars Colin L Powell, Henry A Kissinger
American International Group, Inc. Donald H Layton, Maurice R Greenberg
United States - Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce James Addison Baker III, Henry A Kissinger
Rockefeller University John C Whitehead, Peter Flaherty