David Weil
Biden Nominee for Wage and Hour Administrator, Department of Labor; Dean and professor at The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.
Lawrence Bailis
Professor, Brandeis University; consultant, the ADS Group
Margot Trotter Davis
Social Worker, Chestnut Hill Massachusetts
Jacqueline Jones
Professor of American Civilization at Brandeis University
Gina G Turrigiano
Professor of Biology at Brandeis University
Stuart Altman
Chairman, Council on Health Care Economics and Policy; professor of National Health Policy, Brandeis University
D Ronald Daniel
Director & Former Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Robert Reich
Former United States Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration
Lisa Lynch
Economist, Former Provost, Brandeis University
Carol R Saivetz
Research Associate - Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University
Dolores Kohl
Highland Park, Illinois
Genesis Philanthropy Group
Foundation dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity among Russian-speaking Jews
Davis Family Charitable Foundation
private foundation of Jonathan G. and Margot T. Davis, primarily for Boston area
The AVI CHAI Foundation
Private foundation for support of organizations and programs in Judaism
Joseph Linsey
Boston bootlegger
Antonio Magliocco
New York City organized crime figure
Child Organizations
Crown Center for Middle East Studies
Part of Brandeis University
Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism
Founded by Elaine and Gerald Schuster at Brandeis University
Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy
Brandeis Program Promoting Social Justice Philanthropy
Services & Transactions
FIA Card Services, N.A.
Formerly MBNA | Merged with Bank of America Corp in 2006
Baupost Group
Hedge fund in Boston, MA; headed by Seth Klarman
Peter Mensch
Music manager - Co owner, Q Prime
Jonathan G Davis
Boston real estate; CEO and founder, The Davis Companies
Simone Ledeen
Senior US Treasury Representative to NATO's ISAF in Afghanistan. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East
Jon Landau
Film producer; longtime Bruce Springsteen manager and former writer for Rolling Stone magazine
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
Policy director of the American Immigration Council
Kenneth Horn
Co-Founder & Partner, Alchemy-ABR Investment Partners; founded Alchemy Partners in 1990
Brian Shatz
Managing Principal and Co Founder, Madison Realty Capital
Josh Zegen
Co-Founder and Managing Member, Madison Realty Capital
Stephen Cloobeck
Nevada based hotel and real estate investor; founded Diamond Resorts, the second largest timehare firm in the US
Marta Kauffman
Writer/Executive Producer Warner Bros./More Horses Productions - co-creator of the hit sitcom “Friends"
Miscellaneous Relationships
Massachusetts Question 3
MA bathroom bill
Boston Opportunity Agenda
MA Strive Chapter