Yale business school
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Yale School of Management also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Yale Investment Committee Jeffrey L Bewkes, Richard C Levin, Henry F McCance, Ranji Nagaswami, Joshua Bekenstein, George Leonard Baker Jr
Yale Corporation Jeffrey L Bewkes, Richard C Levin, Jeffrey Powell Koplan, Roland Whitney Betts, George Leonard Baker Jr
Brookings Institute Jeffrey L Bewkes, Ned Lamont, Richard Kauffman, Lei Zhang, Wilbur Ross
Yale University Jeffrey L Bewkes, Richard C Levin, Jeffrey Powell Koplan, George Leonard Baker Jr
The Partnership for New York City, Inc. Jeffrey L Bewkes, Stephen Schwarzman, Frederick Terrell, Wilbur Ross
Harvard Kennedy School Timothy Clark Collins, Ned Lamont, Douglas W Shorenstein
Morgan Stanley Richard Kauffman, Michael Schmertzler, Hugh D Sullivan
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Michael R Eisenson, Joshua Bekenstein, Joseph C McNay
Obama for America Reed E Hundt, Ned Lamont, Linda A Mason
Harvard Business School Henry F McCance, Stephen Schwarzman, Michael B Keating
Mercy Corps Ned Lamont, Neal L Keny-Guyer
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace William H. Donaldson, Linda A Mason
Environmental Defense Fund George Leonard Baker Jr, Douglas W Shorenstein
New York City Investment Fund Manager, Inc. Stephen Schwarzman, Frederick Terrell
U.S. Department of the Treasury John W Snow, Herbert M Allison Jr.
NYSE Euronext William H. Donaldson, Herbert M Allison Jr.
Carmax Auto Superstores Jeffrey E Garten, Austin Ligon
Stanford Graduate School of Business Herbert M Allison Jr., Joel M Podolny
McKinsey & Company Reed E Hundt, Eric Braverman
Business Roundtable John W Snow, Stephen Schwarzman