Christopher Edley Jr
Berkeley law professor and Obama transition board member
Katey Einterz Owen
Director for Neglected Tropical Diseases at The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Sue Y Taylor
Chief Information Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Toni Hoover
Director at Gates Foundation
Sue Desmond-Hellman
former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and previously served as Chancellor of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
John Irving Bell
Director, Genentech
S Joshua Lewis
Founder and Managing Partner, Salmon River Capital
Stacey Childress
CEO, New Schools Venture Fund
Warren Buffett
CEO at Berkshire Hathaway, Investor
Jeffrey S Raikes
CEO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Thomas J Tierney
founder of the Bridgespan Group
Minouche Shafik
Columbia University president, former director London School of Economics
Strive Masiyiwa
Zimbabwe’s first billionaire
Neil Ferguson
Epidemiologist, Imperial College, London
Mark Suzman
CEO, Gates Foundation
Melinda French Gates
Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
William H Gates Sr
Father of Bill Gates and formerly partner at Preston Gates
Bill Gates
Founder of Microsoft
New Leaders
national nonprofit that develops transformational school leaders and designs effective leadership policies and practices
North Carolina Biotech Company
GAVI Mastercard Child Immunization Digital Record
Partnership December 2018
Quest Atlantis
Immersive Reality Educational Game For Children Developed at Arizona State University
Blended Learning Fellowships for Rhode Island Teachers
PIPRA is a non-profit organization dedicated to maximizing the impact of technologies in the agricultural, biotechnology, health, water, and clean energy
Global Burden of Disease Project (GBD)
World Bank Initiated Project To Measure Cost of Disability and Death
Two-Generation Research Initiative
Human Capital Program, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University
The Opportunity Atlas: Mapping the Childhood Roots of Social Mobility
Venture Philanthropist Funded Report, Harvard / NBER 2018
Grocery Store Chain Mexico
Global Vaccine Alliance
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
International Group Focused on Food Security
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Gates Funded Institute for Global Health Data
New Schools Venture Fund
Venture Capitalist Ed Reform
Divison Promoting US Youth to Fundraise for Global Peers
National Institutes of Health
primary U.S. government agency responsible for biomedical and public health research
Shared Learning Collaborative LLC
A partnership of states, districts, educators, foundations, and content and tool providers collaborating to create technology for education. Read more at
COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator
Gates Foundation Effort To Develop Anti-Viral Treatment
OneWorld Health (iOWH)
Non profit pharmaceutical company
Child Organizations
Gates Ag One: Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations, LLC
Gates Foundation Funded Non Profit
Level One Project
Gates Foundation Program Promoting Digital Payment Systems
Bloomberg New Economy Forum
Policy Discussions Joining East and West
What Works Cities
"Smart" Governance Initiative Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies
Northern California Grantmakers
Regional Philanthropic Network
SDG2 Advocacy Hub
Advocates for UN Sustainable Goal 2
Services & Transactions
Inovio Pharmaceuticals
biotech company focused on bringing to market DNA medicines for diseases
Chuck Brooks
Has extensive service in Senior Executive Management, Government Relations, Research & Development, and Marketing/Business Development
National Equity Project
Overcoming Opportunity Gaps, Oakland, CA
Bridge International Academies
Corporate Education Chain Serving Africa and India, Tech & Social Impact Investor Supported
Serco Services Inc.
NSA contractor, bought by UK-based Serco in 2008
GEO Group
Second-largest private prison operator
The Abraaj Group
Dubai based private-equity firm, founded by Pakistani financier Arif Naqvi
Bridgespan Group
Philanthropy advising for nonprofits
Public Strategies LLC
political consulting firm with LGBT, AIDS and edu clients
GSV Advisors
Investment firm run by noted education investors Deborah Quazzo and Michael Moe
Sandra Smyser
Cargill Incorporated
Food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services. Privately held.
Patented the herbicide glyphosate
Oportunidades / PROGRESA
First and Largest Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Mexico Begun 1997
Liesbet Steer
Director, Education Commission