Romney Victory
Alex Vogel, Jay Timmons, Rick Scott
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel
Dan Sullivan
Doyce Boesch
Monday Meeting PAC
Doyce Boesch, Jeffrey Walter, Missy M Edwards
Mitch McConnell
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Missy M Edwards, Mitch Bainwol, Craig Engle, Jay Timmons, Steven J Law
21st Century PAC
Jeffrey Walter
Mitt Romney
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Craig Engle, Jay Timmons, Steven J Law, Rick Scott, Christina Culver, Michael DuHaime, John Lonergan
Republican National Committee
Alex Vogel, Steven J Law
George Allen
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Missy M Edwards, Mitch Bainwol, Todd M Weiss, Jay Timmons, Steven J Law
Recording Industry Association of America Political Action Committee, the
Mitch Bainwol
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers Inc Political Action Committee
Mitch Bainwol
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Political Action Committee (Sonnenschein PAC)
Todd M Weiss
Volunteer PAC
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Mitch Bainwol, Craig Engle
Rob Portman
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Missy M Edwards, Mitch Bainwol, Craig Engle, Jay Timmons
John McCain
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Missy M Edwards, Mitch Bainwol, Todd M Weiss, Craig Engle, Steven J Law
Jim DeMint
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Mitch Bainwol
Together for Our Majority Political Action Committee (Tompac)
Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter
National Assn of Manufacturers
Jay Timmons
Defend America PAC
Jeffrey Walter
Kelly Ayotte
Doyce Boesch, Alex Vogel, Jeffrey Walter, Missy M Edwards, Mitch Bainwol, Todd M Weiss, Michael DuHaime