A body of senior uniformed leaders in the US Department of Defense which advises the US President, the Secretary of Defense, the Homeland Security Council & the NSC on military matters.
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Joint Chiefs of Staff also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
U.S. Global Leadership Coalition Charles C Krulak, Richard B Myers, General Henry Hugh Shelton, William A Owens, Stanley McChrystal, Merrill A McPeak, Michael S. Rogers
US Army Colin L Powell, Martin Dempsey, Michael T. Flynn, Alan Blaine Stone, Mark Milley
Atlantic Council General John P Jumper, Colin L Powell, Mike Mullen, Edmund P Giambastiani Jr, General James Cartwright
International Security Assistance Force – Afghanistan Stanley McChrystal, Michael T. Flynn, Joseph Dunford, Paul Becker, Charles A Flynn
US Central Command Martin Dempsey, Keith B Alexander, Michael T. Flynn
US Department of Defense General John P Jumper, Kurt Campbell, Alan Blaine Stone
United States Air Force General John P Jumper, Nathan Farragut Twining, Charles 'CQ' Brown
82nd Airborne Division Stanley McChrystal, Michael T. Flynn, Charles A Flynn
Joint Special Operations Command Stanley McChrystal, Michael T. Flynn, Raymond A Thomas
2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment Stanley McChrystal, Charles A Flynn
Center for Strategic and International Studies Kurt Campbell, General James Cartwright
Knowledge International LLC Stanley McChrystal, James T Conway
The Cipher Brief Keith B Alexander, Stanley McChrystal
Knowledge International Strategic Advisory Group Stanley McChrystal, James T Conway
National Security Council Kurt Campbell, Michael T. Flynn
United States Naval Academy Mike Mullen, Paul Becker
25th Infantry Division Michael T. Flynn, Charles A Flynn
Allied Nuclear Inc General James Cartwright, Keith B Alexander
Babel Street, Inc Michael T. Flynn, Paul Becker
IP3 International General James Cartwright, Keith B Alexander