Joint Special Operations Command
Bryan D Brown, Shawn Murray, Richard E. Angle
United States Special Operations Command
Wayne A Downing, Bryan D Brown, John F Mulholland Jr
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
James B. Linder, William P. Tangney
The OSS Society
Bryan D Brown, John F Mulholland Jr
Sparta Software Corporation
John F Mulholland Jr, James B. Linder
Andrew Marshall
Andrew F Krepinevich Jr
United States Forces-Afghanistan
Shawn Murray
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Andrew F Krepinevich Jr
82nd Airborne Division
Mark Erwin
United States Army Forces Command
Shawn Murray
Special Operations Warrior Foundation
James B. Linder
2nd Infantry Division
Jonathan P. Braga
75th Ranger Regiment
Wayne A Downing
McChrystal Group
Shawn Murray
U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
John F Mulholland Jr
173rd Airborne Brigade
Wayne A Downing
1st Special Operations Command
Wayne A Downing
Patriot Defense Group, LLC
Bryan D Brown
United States Special Operations Command Africa
James B. Linder
10th Special Forces Group
Lawrence G. Ferguson