Business Positions
Patriot Defense Group, LLC
A defense and intelligence services training company
Knowledge International LLC
A registered exporter and importer of U.S. defense articles and services | Owned by Emirates Advanced Investments Group.
Knowledge International Strategic Advisory Group
Members provide strategic advice to Knowledge International.
Board Memberships
The OSS Society
Non-profit that honors the historic accomplishments of the OSS during World War II
Government Positions
United States Special Operations Command
Unified command of Special Operations elements of the Army, Navy, Air Forces and Marine Corps
United States Army Special Operations Command
Charged with overseeing the special operations forces of the US Army
Joint Special Operations Command
A joint component command of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
Webster University
Non- profit private university in Webster Groves, Missouri
Miscellaneous Relationships
Stanley McChrystal
Founder & Managing Partner of the McChrystal Group