Jonathan P. Braga
U.S. Army Special Operations Command general
Lawrence G. Ferguson
US Army Colonel
Loren Bymer
US Army Special Operations Command Public Affairs Director
Andrew F Krepinevich Jr
President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
James B. Linder
Maj Gen, US Army (ret) | President, Tenax Aerospace | Former Commander, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School (SWCS)
Richard E. Angle
US Army General
John F Mulholland Jr
US Army general
Shawn Murray
CFO, McChrystal Group | Finance & Admin Section Chief, FEMA | Senior Manager Financial, Alcoa Inc | J8, US Forces Afghanistan
Bryan D Brown
Combatant Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command
William P. Tangney
Commanding general, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
Child Organizations
4th Psychological Operations Group
US Army Special Operations unit at Fort Bragg
Military Information Support Operations Command
US Army Special Operations unit at Fort Bragg
75th Ranger Regiment
A light infantry special operations force headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia
Headquarters Department of the Army
The corporate office of the Department of the Army
United States Special Operations Command
Unified command of Special Operations elements of the Army, Navy, Air Forces and Marine Corps
Services & Transactions
Primer Technologies
Artificial-intelligence company