Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Curt S Culver also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Leonard A Lauder John Boehner, Tom Harkin, Carl Levin, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, George H W Bush
George A Mitchell John McCain, Paul Ryan, Mark Green, Mark W Neumann, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John G Gard, Dale W Schultz, Sharron E Angle, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Reid Ribble
James Callan Tommy Thompson, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Mark W Neumann, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John G Gard, Sharron E Angle, Ron Johnson
Linda Dresner Tommy Thompson, John Boehner, Russ Feingold, Tom Harkin, Carl Levin, John McCain, Paul Ryan, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, George H W Bush, Ron Johnson
Thomas A Davis John Boehner, Richard Burr, Tom Harkin, Carl Levin, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole, Alan John Dixon, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, George H W Bush
John J Stollenwerk Tommy Thompson, Russ Feingold, Paul Ryan, Mark W Neumann, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., George W Bush, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John G Gard, George H W Bush, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson
Leslie Rose Richard Burr, John McCain, Mark Green, Mark W Neumann, Bob Dole, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Rick Lazio, George W Bush, George H W Bush, Sharron E Angle, Ron Johnson
Augusta Petrone John Boehner, Richard Burr, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, John G Gard, George H W Bush, Sharron E Angle, Ron Johnson
Richard DeVos John Boehner, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Mark W Neumann, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John G Gard, George H W Bush, Ron Johnson
Foster Friess John Boehner, John McCain, Mark W Neumann, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Sharron E Angle, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Reid Ribble
Ken Griffin Tommy Thompson, John Boehner, Richard Burr, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Mark Green, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson, Reid Ribble
Bradford M Freeman Tommy Thompson, John Boehner, Richard Burr, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John G Gard, George H W Bush, Ron Johnson
Thomas W Smith John Boehner, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Mark Green, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Sharron E Angle, Ron Johnson
Lanny Griffith Tommy Thompson, John Boehner, Richard Burr, John McCain, Mark Green, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, George H W Bush, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson
Tim Wuliger Tommy Thompson, John Boehner, Richard Burr, Russ Feingold, Tom Harkin, Carl Levin, John McCain, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin
Edward J Zore John Boehner, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Gerald Kleczka, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., George W Bush, Republican Party of Wisconsin, George H W Bush, Sean Duffy, Ron Johnson
Bernice Manocherian John Boehner, Richard Burr, Russ Feingold, Tom Harkin, Carl Levin, John McCain, Robert W. Kasten, Jr., Rick Lazio, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin
Charles R Schwab Tommy Thompson, John Boehner, Richard Burr, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, George H W Bush, Ron Johnson
George S Kaufman Russ Feingold, Carl Levin, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, George H W Bush
Thomas Kempner, Sr Richard Burr, John McCain, Mark W Neumann, Rick Lazio, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, John G Gard, George H W Bush, Sharron E Angle, Ron Johnson
Curt S Culver
Updated over 1 year ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Business Person
Gender Male
Birthday 1953

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